Gear yourself up with career and business advice, Hospitality industry news, and our opinions.
Are you finding you’re stuck in a pickle without enough staff? We’re not referring to the much publicized and often talked about ‘skill shortage’. This is a broader issue with the Australasian markets experiencing lowest unemployment levels since 2009. Adding to this, both governments have tightening immigration policies. So here we are, stuck without staff!
Putting aside those broader issues that are out of our control aside, there's still a number of strategies for you to consider when sourcing staff. For example:
Entice candidates/employees. Make sure your employment proposition stacks up. Ask yourself or people across your organisation: What will motivate a person to move from their current organisation to yours? In our recent candidate insights survey we identified the top 3 factors influencing job change:
Top 3 factors influencing job change (Australia)
Top 3 factors influencing job change (New Zealand)
Consider these factors when presenting your job opportunity. If you’re unsure how your proposition stacks up against others in the market or ask us for feedback.
Lastly, if you have a great team, work hard to retain them. Book performance reviews to understand their motivations and aspirations. Understanding the expectations of your people can help towards mitigating the risk of losing them.
Economist Tony Alexander brings a wealth of knowledge to New Zealanders in his weekly newsletter ‘Tony’s Thoughts’.
Filling your roster over the festive season can prove challenging for any business, the high-demand, customer-facing roles of hospitality can be the hardest of them all. Find helpful tips for this holiday season in our blog!
In 2023 we are projected to see higher demand for services, staffing shortages and most likely an economic recession. So what does this mean for your business, and how can you prepare?
How to reopen with ensuring your customers and team feel safe at all times.
Discover effective strategies to attract top candidates for seasonal hospitality jobs as the holiday season approaches. Prepare your store for success during peak seasons with competitive wages and a streamlined application process.
The longer the position remains vacant, the higher the cost. Fill those roles fast with Hospoworld!