Danielle started with the RWR Group in 2012 as our Administration Assistant in Auckland before crossing the ditch to work in our Head Office in Melbourne. Here, Danielle progressed through a number of roles including Executive Assistant to our CEO, Hospoworld Account Manager, and Fashion Team Coordinator for our sister brand Retailworld.

After 18 months of eating and drinking her way through Melbourne, Danielle relocated back to Auckland to continue her recruitment career and expand her leadership experience. It wasn’t long until she boomeranged back to RWR Group in 2017 as Agency Manager for Retailworld Auckland. In her first year back Danielle took out three of our annual awards, acknowledging the success of her both as an individual and a manager in our business.

Following Danielle's success, it was a no-brainer when the opportunity came about for her to purchase Hospoworld Auckland. She has successfully grown the Hospoworld business in Auckland since taking ownership which put her in an ideal position to launch Hospoworld South Island in 2023. With both businesses running smoothly, Danielle has appointed an Agency Manager to take the day to day lead of the business allowing her to take on the role of Sales Director - New Zealand. 

Danielle’s role as Sales Director - New Zealand sees her support & guide our motivated and highly successful Directors & Agency Managers across our Hospoworld, Retailworld and RWR Exec brands whilst also managing our National Sales function to ensure optimal delivery for our clients. 

Danielle is based in our Auckland office and is always available for a call or coffee to discuss how we effectively partner with you and your business. 

FY24 High Achiever
FY23 Group Account Manager of the Year
FY23 High Achiever    
FY22 Account Manager of the Year
FY22 Agency of the Year - Retailworld Auckland    
FY22 High Achiever
FY21 High Achiever    

More of our team

John Caldwell

Group CEO

John Caldwell is the CEO of RWR Group which includes specialist recruitment brands; RWR Health, Retailworld, and Hospoworld.

More from John

Trish McLean

Executive Director

Trish McLean is the Executive Director of RWR Group which includes specialist recruitment brands: Hospoworld, RWR Health, Retailworld, and RWR Construction.

More from Trish

Danielle Dunn

Sales Director - New Zealand

As Sales Director for New Zealand, Danielle supports our Directors and Agency Managers across Hospoworld, Retailworld, and RWR Exec, while also managing our National Sales function to ensure optimal client delivery.

More from Danielle

Shaun Crowley

Group COO

Shaun started his career in accounting and finance at 18, and now as Group COO of RWR Group, he leverages his strategic leadership and financial expertise to drive operational efficiency and growth across the brands.

More from Shaun


People are the glue at the centre of our values. We work as one to achieve success together. We ooze passion and live life to its fullest.


Delight Stakeholders and leave them with a lasting impression. Exceed expectations by delivering 100% of what we say we will; consistently. We’re all about straight talking - under promise and over deliver. We strive to look after the best interests of all our stakeholders.


We believe in corporate responsibility to give back to our industry and communities while remaining proftable.  This allows us to push the boundaries of success and maximise potential. It’s not just about money.